Sunday, January 17, 2010

Moments of 2009

lego art

Long pause to posting!
Anyway, 2009 was such a great year! One of the best years I've had, and that's mainly because of my great friends, new and old ones. I wanted to make a little compilation I've seen around other blogs of the past year to remember the moments which tend to fall to the farest corners of memory...

In 2009...

- I won couple of competitions...

Pepsi Co Finland wallpainting competition in Tampere. Will be hanging there for at least a few years! :)

The Sink from Tuuli Juntunen on Vimeo.
And The Sink, which won Ainemaatio 2009 - animation competition arranged by MTV3, against drugs and alcohol. We visited and got a tour around MTV3 studio in Helsinki and...

- I was on TV! My fifteen minutes of fame in Huomenta Suomi being interviewed of the competition. I was very nervous and I'm glad I survived it almost with honour. But I liked being in the make up before the show. x)

- we founded Nasta Design osk, a cooperative society(?) (=osuuskunta) with my mates which consist of wide variety of talented graphic designers and few producers! Things have started quite nicely and website should be released soonish...

- I got fired for the first time in my life. The recession cut half of the stuff in the mobile
game company I was working, including me.

- I got a new job in a new game company as graphic artist :)
- I bought the awesomest mug of all times...

- we ate and made a LOT of sushi...

- I took lot of pictures, mainly of our cat...

- I had best summer in a long time! It included grilling outside, setting a bonfire, riding a
merry-go-round, hanging in the parks and being silly with friends, staying up late (and going to
work in the next morning), seeing from the 14th floor the hardest rain and thunder I've ever seen...

- I also had the first birthday party in almost 10 years. x) With dear Kiiki, who also had
birthday in the same week. Actually we celebrated our birthdays several times during that week... I was really touched for the presence and the presents of my friends.

- I found the fascinating world of burlesque and attended a few burlesque parties. So much of fun! And I love dressing up.

going to New Year Extravaganza!

- we started our thesis work, an interesting animation series project involving (surprise
surprise) burlesque! And other weird stuff... more of that later.

- I visited Särkänniemi with my friend. Last time was when I was a little kid. Although I think
sailing with the ship to get there was the best part. The downside of the trip was that we also got in a car accident but only the car of my friend was hurt. This was the second time for me to be in a car accident and it sure didn't decrease my car driving reluctance. :P

Poor car...

- I visited London for the first time! One dream come true.
This year I have to concentrate more on realizing dreams, small or bigs...

- I twisted my foot in the slippery street and was trapped to my home for a month. Like a granny. I have never really hurt mylimbs, and this was first time to actually get the walking sticks. Damn boring.

- I had a wonderful traditional Christmas at the home farm (like always).

Lot of other things might have happened also but I forget.